Purple Corn

Thailand’s agricultural products are exported throughout the world. The Thai agricultural industry is an important piece of the economic puzzle.

Thailand’s agricultural products are exported throughout the world. The Thai agricultural industry is an important piece of the economic puzzle. Among popular grains, corns are wildly used in the restaurant industry and in daily cooking. They vary in sizes and colors, mostly yellow, white, purple, and blue.

Purple corn is a good source of anthocyanins and vitamin B1, B2, and E. It has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Eating corn regularly help prevent obesity, heart disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Corn, a versatile grain, becomes a chefs’ favorite vegetable, essentially in Thai cuisine. Chefs can easily create any recipes with corns as well as jazzing up any dish instantly.

- https://www3.rdi.ku.ac.th/?p=64283