A true story about a retired man who finally finds happiness in the farm

Many retired adults choose to keep working after retirement. They don’t want to be sedentary, but rather stay actively engaged through working with others. Let have a listen to 2 organic farmers from our IMPACT FARM who want to live a more meaningful life by being an organic grower after retirement age.

Mr.Boonserm Kraingam from San Sai District, Chiang Mai, who farms a little more than two-rai land organically. His interest in farming sparked when he worked in the hospital. Patients who ate a mix of all the color foods noticed a substantial improvement in their depressive symptoms, and for that reason he wanted to promote healthy eating to the public.

After retirement, he jumped into organic farming business full-time. It took him more than 10 years to gain experience and reach a point where he feels comfortable of passing on his knowledge to other farmers.

Farming allows me to connect with nature, explore a new world, and appreciate the beauty of mother nature. I knew money wasn’t everything for me, and I wanted to create a more meaningful life, so I choose health and happiness over wealth. Now I put my focus on producing organic produce to consumers for their well-being.

We had the great pleasure to connect with Ms. Malinee of Malinee Farm. Many people cherish life after retirement, but Ms. Malinee is an exception. She still loves to stay active and socially connected through working at her own farm where she is inherited from her ancestors and grows organic produce. Growing organic produce rewards you with dignity. You’re not doing it for family, friends, or yourself but for something larger – the community and environment. Every year she takes advantage of the rainy season by growing rice using rain water and names it “Na Numfah.”

When it comes to crop rotation, it simply means farmers can grow two or more different crops in the whole land. One of the reasons that farmers choose to do this is to avoid insect problem, diseases, and weed control.

I get asked a lot about why I’m doing what I’m doing, and I answer their question with a big smile on face that I farm out of happiness, care, and love. Farming allows me to work out every day working in the land with nature.

Farming is not about age but the love of what you do.