This article presents an introduction to organic agriculture

In contrast to conventional farming, organic agriculture avoids using artificial chemicals at all costs but instead relies on more natural processes, which are complex and take a lot of effort. Organic agriculture is a complex system of management practices. Farmers have to deal with the many challenges of organic farming. We will discuss this topic in detail below.

Organic farming is a practice of growing plants that is sustainably conscious and avoids using any chemicals. The core concept of farming organically revolves around creating healthy soil for growing healthy greens as soil quality and soil health is the foundation of all agriculture.

Organic farming is not limited to growing plants and vegetables with a restricted use of pesticides but also applied to animals. Organic farmers are anticipated to raise animals without the use of antibiotics or synthetic growth hormones. Animals have access to roam in a large space, eat better, quality food, and express their natural behaviors freely.

Principles of organic farming

1.Organic farming is an integrated farming system of various plants and animals.
2.Organic farmers focus on the production process and a distribution channel to sell their organic goods.
3.Organic farmers use natural material such as manure, compost, and fertilizer to provide nutrients to their crops.
4.Organic agriculture results in multiple environmental benefits and encourages healthy biodiversity.
5.Organic agriculture is the most environmentally-friendly farming approach that enhances biodiversity, strengthen soil health, and reduce climate change.
6.Organic farming uses natural techniques to rotate crops.
7.Organic farming works in harmony with nature.
8.Organic farmers must focus on the food supply chain including handing, processing, storage, and marketing of organic products.
9.Organic farmers must restrain from using synthetic chemicals during processing, manufacturing, and storing products.
10.Organic products must be free from contact with GMOs.
11.Organic products must remain in their original state without SUV light, which is used to extend the shelf life.

Every piece of organic produce has gone through an extensive process before arriving on your plate, so we should appreciate all the hard work, hours, days, and years that organic producers put in to feed us.