PANAMA GESHA BLEND Silver Medal Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
This year, The Coffee Academics has created a revolutionary blend - using one washed - processed lot and one natural - processed lot from Esmeralda Private Collection. The result is an exceptionally clean and juicy coffee that has tasting notes of strong jasmine, orange and toffee
(Jasmine, Orange, Toffee)
1600-1800 m.a.s.l. / Fully Washed, Natural
1,600 Baht

01 PANAMA Esmeralda Gesha (Fully Washed) Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
From the multi-award winning farm, Hacienda Esmeralda Estate of Panama, we bring you a highly-prized Gesha varietal coffee. Fully washed, it exudes aromas and taste notes of yuzu, jasmine, and bergamot.
(Yuzu, Jasmine, Bergamot)
1600-1800 m.a.s.l. / Fully Washed
1,600 Baht

02 PANAMA Esmeralda Gesha (Natural) Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
From the multi-award winning farm, Hacienda Esmeralda Estate of Panama, we bring you a highly-prized Gesha varietal coffee. Naturally processed, it exudes aromas and taste notes of strawberry, tropical fruit, and tangerine.
(Strawberry, Tropical Fruit, Tangerine)
1600-1800 m.a.s.l. / Natural
1,900 Baht

03 HONDURUS Finca El Roble Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
The producer, Mr Clemente Vasquez Martinez, supports the Honduras Youth Empowerment Program, empowering and encouraging local young people.
(Dark Chocolate, Honey, Prune)
1600-1730 m.a.s.l. / Fully Washed
800 Baht

04 KENYA AA Microlot Kamwangi Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
The farmers are part of the New Ngariama Farmers' Cooperative Society, an empowering force for Kenyan coffee farmers. The cherries of this microlot are processed on the same day they are picked to ensure maximum freshness.
(Blackcurrant, Herbal, Tomato)
1300-1900 m.a.s.l. / Fully Washed
800 Baht

06 YUNNAN Baoshan Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
The owner of this coffee farm, Lu Ming Chun, regularly shares his coffee growing techniques with the Lisu minority group, helping other farmers nearby and facilitating industry development.
(Roasted Peanut, Hazelnut, Milk Chocolate)
1000-1200 m.a.s.l. / Fully Washed
800 Baht

07 PERU Organic Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
As a member of CAC La Florida, the coffee farm that this coffee comes from has brought additional income to farmers, strengthened women's participation in coffee production, and provided increased access to medical services for its members as a bonus.
(Rose Apple, Pecan, Cane Sugar)
1200-2000 m.a.s.I. / Fully Washed
800 Baht

08 HONDURUS Organic Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
From the Cloud Forest of Honduras where the highest mountains are located, mixed varietals of Caturra, Catuai, Bourbon, and Pacas Coffee are brought together by the CACAFCAL cooperative to us. We carefully reduce the acidity through roasting to suit those that simply prefer a stronger brew with mild acidity.
(Walnut, Plum, Brown Sugar)
1100-1300 m.a.s.l. / Fully Washed
800 Baht

14 BRAZIL Cerrado Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
Brazilians have developed a method to produce what is known as pulped natural coffee. The result is a coffee that retains the flavor profile that is a mix of those from wet and dry processes.
(Hazelnuts, Caramel, Chocolate, Sweetness and Smooth)
1100 m.a.s.l. / Pulped Natural
800 Baht

15 COLOMBIA Supremo Antioquia Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
In 2012, the coffee cultivation in Colombia was facing a big crisis: the cultivation cost was higher than the market selling price. Posada family, the farmers found the coffee development team of Amativo to move family farms forward by getting better cup results and finding roasters that wanted to ba part of the Amativo Family.
(Berries, Caramel, Toffee with Residual Sweetness)
1800-1950 m.a.s.l. / Fermented, Fully Washed
800 Baht

17 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Fairtrade Organic Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
This fairtrade organic crop features slightly herbal notes with a melon-like sweetness. Produced by the Keto Tapasi Progress Association of 375 smallholder coffee growers, this selection is a celebration of their unity and collaborative spririt.
(Melon, Cane Sugar, Walnut)
1600-1800 m.a.s.l. / Washed
900 Baht

18 GUATEMALA FEDECOCAGUA Fairtrade Organic Roasted Coffee Bean 200g
Harvested from farms across 373 hectares in Huehuetenango and delivered to FEDECOCAGUA, an association of 19 cooperatives with the goal to improve the lives of the local smallholders & their families.
(Peanut, Cane Sugar, Chocolate)
1200-1700 m.a.s.l. / Washed
900 Baht